A Testimonial

I was amazingly surprised and moved when I received this amazing testimonial from Sharon Sovinski. Rated one of the “Top Ten Master of Makeovers” by Elle Magazine in 2001 and the “Top Trendsetting Salon” by W Magazine in 2005. She is an amazing educator and has never endorsed a product in her entire career…yet, she has been asked to do so by several companies. I am honored she gave Exure an endorsement of such high caliber and I share that with you now. – Edan Trump


“This is my testimonial…and if you care to research me, you will see that I have never chosen to endorse a professional brand before. Thus, this is my first endorsement!


I used to have hair so damaged that the ends of my hair used to break off as I dried my hair. I’ve watched them fly through the air as I attempt to blow dry my hair smooth after having used, what some have said, are “the best hair smoothing products in the world.”


Yet, as I stand at my own mirror, I am reminded of what I have witnessed as I do the same for my clients hair at my world renowned hair salon. I’ve worked only with the “best products” and done my utter best to soothe the hair of which the client requests constant change.


Yet, within my framework of hair I have done what I can to maintain the integrity of the hair, but it is the constant environmental forces my clients are subjected to daily that make their hair less pliable – less hydrated, and less strong… and thus it becomes weaker.


Even diet can, and does, change the structure of their hair. This is seen from microscopic tests done for hormonal testing and drug testing. Therefore, hair, these days, is not only affected by hair color, but by toxins and pollutants within the body in additional to external forces. Add hormonal changes… and you have a formula for altered and unpredictable hair.


So – I’ve witnessed the breakage.

  • I’ve seen the loss of thickness…

  • I’ve seen strong hair become weak.

  • And yet – and now…


I share this with you…my first ever testimonial for a hair product that after just one use that made a powerful difference on my hair and that was Exure Revitalize.


The result was like an extreme salvage operation being done to my hair. I could not believe how different, stronger and more renewed my hair was! So I shared it with my best friend and she experienced the same results! She saw my hair heal and become stronger, shinier and I saw hers do the same.


So i ordered 6 of each and within a week – gone – off my shelves.


I absolutely love Exure!


The story goes far deeper than the depth to which Edan Trump’s product heals the hair. I am honored to know Edan and Duane and I am more honored that Edan has saved me the hassle of having to create my own product for hair healing!


Exure is an ace in the pocket and I thank you! And so do my clients!”


Your fellow artist,
Sharon Sovinski

1 thoughts on “A Testimonial

  1. Candice Carlon

    After an accidental experiment…going without your product for a month….no can do. There is no comparison to any other product line I have ever used. My hair, my scalp and I miss you terribly. The smooth healed and natural feel of my hair is back. Thank you!

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